Thursday, January 29, 2009


Now these are what you call friends!!! We went elk hunting this year and a few of the guys had to go home because their spouse or family in general required it. There were three of us that stayed, the real "men" of the crowd: Giles, Mason and Giles wife. We were down to our last day of the hunt and well, the guys were more about getting the trailers and stuff down off the mountain before the blizzard hit and we had to leave out trailers up at hoop lake for the winter, it was Friday night and we were taking one final 4 wheeler ride for the evening before we headed back to camp to "tie one last one on" before we went packing the next day. The boys had "left me in the dust" and I was just kind of hanging back a little ways when all of a sudden, I had this uncontrollable urge to stop and take a look at mother nature... Two days before, we were having some target pratice because the hunt, well, sucked!!! A good friend of ours somehow managed to mess up the scope on my rifle, but, I took it along on this ride anyhow and boy am I glad that I did. As the boys were a piece in front of me, I stopped and was just taking a look at the meadow lands we were near, and to my surprize, there about 800 yards out I spotted an elk, a real live elk and guess what, that's what we were there to hunt. I could not trust my eyes, so I took my gun off it's rack knowing that my scope was messed up, but I might be able to get a better look. As I was looking through my scope, my wonderful husband just happend to turn around to see how far in the dust I was and if I was ok. When he noticed that I had my scope up, he immediatly took out his rifle, so did Mason. Both the boys were able to get shots off with no avail, we went back to camp and had a few drinks and boasted about the fact that we got shots when no body else did cuz they went home. We had a great time around the kitchen table that night because it was just too damn cold to hang out outside. The next morning, we contemplated packing up or heading out for one more try, as most of you know, we are too stupid to pack up and go home, so we went out looking for those that we got a shot at the night before. Guess what, they were in the same area and the boys were able to drop two of them, would have been three but somebody had a jacked up scope, oh well. After they fell, we all sat and wondered what the hell are we going to do now??? There's only three of us and one of them is a girl, how are we going to get these two massive animals out of here??? Well, of course the boys had to call their friends and brag about what they had done, and that they were in a spot. I tell you what, I have never in my life experienced more awesome friends that the ones who put all they had going in their lives aside to make the three hour drive, weathering the storm that mother nature had put upon us and also for the two hours that they sat at the gate that had the highway closed just to be able to come and help us get the animals out. After hours of wrestling the elk, we all smelled like we had lived in the woods all our lives and never bathed, and when they were loaded, our great friends all said "we'll see ya back in the city, we have to get home to our families" and took off. They were not in it for any reason other than to help us retrieve our animals and to say we were there for you and we now know someone who took out a big elk this season. We owe a great big thanks to our good friends: Cameron, Merril, Greg. We could have never done it without you guys. THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES THAT ALLOWED YOU TO COME AND HELP US!!! You mean the world!!!!!

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